An archived stack of papers: May 2005
Too Much Tech!?
In a stack of papers called Technology.
- May
- 25
- 2005
After reading this blog post and this article , I felt a rant coming on. Once again, what started as a comment turned into a full entry.
The focus and content of the entire article,... read more
Using Blogs to Post Student Evaluation
In a stack of papers called Technology.
- May
- 24
- 2005
Something hit me today while thinking about all the little WordPress functions that I never use when writing an entry or creating a category.
If I create a category called “classes” and then create a category called “period 4” with “classes” as a parent category, “period 4” exists within... read more
Curriculum Rationale: Changed Mantra Part 3
In a stack of papers called Reform.
- May
- 20
- 2005
Considering the role technology plays in classroom teaching and teacher training, it seems that two reasons technology is ignored are that it isn’t something teacher training programs discuss and it is seen as someone else’s job. Sadly, it’s often this inertia that causes a teacher to avoid technology.
Mantra Three: I Teach It For Their Own Good
Many... read more
Computing Skills For All: Changed Mantra Part 2
In a stack of papers called Reform.
- May
- 19
- 2005
Mantra Two: Computers Belong in Computer Classes
Before you write this off as an uncommon belief, think about it: assuming you are not in a computer classroom, would you expect to find any direct instruction to the entire class about how a computer works, how certain applications work, or how to perform specific tasks with a computer, complete with handouts and homework and... read more
Basket Weaving: Changed Mantra Part 1
In a stack of papers called Reform.
- May
- 18
- 2005
In this context, “mantra” refers to long-held, though unspoken, beliefs of teachers. The danger is that these mantras are wrong and prevent what may be some of the most useful instruction a high school can give a student or a college can give a teacher.
Teachers expect that students enter our class with basic computer skills, despite the fact that they often do not teach such skills... read more
Freshmen Blogs: Update
In a stack of papers called Technology.
- May
- 17
- 2005
Today was a good day for the freshmen blog project. The assignment for today was simple. We started class off by treating that writing prompt as a daily, a quick piece of writing that starts the class. Everyone was writing and looking through the text for their quotation. Some questions came up, but no one was at a terrible loss for words when they were just dealing pen and paper. Maybe... read more