TTOT: Student Failure Rates

In a stack of papers called Podcasts.

  • Nov
  • 11
  • 2005

Two Teachers On Teaching: Episode Three, featuring Laurie Weckesser in a discussion involving class size, standards-based instruction, and teachers letting go of the status quo. This one clocks in at 11 and a half minutes and is 2.7MB. Ambient noise abounds on this one, so I’ll have to be more careful of my microphone placement next time.

“As we move towards a standards based curriculum, we’re looking at an outside measure of what skills students should have, whereas before, there were no guidelines at all for what you should teach.”

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On Thursday, July 21, Laurie and I got together to record another edition of Two Teachers On Teaching. It’s November and I’ve finally gotten around to editing that conversation. Like my meeting with Rushton, we talked for over an hour. This is only the first 15 minutes of our conversation, with very little edited out. This one runs a bit longer than I’d like, but I simply couldn’t edit anything else out. Yet again, there’s plenty more of this conversation in the archives.

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