An archived stack of papers: June 2006
Passion Is Contagious
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Jun
- 11
- 2006
I’m headed out to Japan again. This time, I’ll be with folks from my school; last time, I was with a group from another school where a friend works. Now that I think about it, my two friends who teach Japanese have more than the language in common.
Both Japanese teachers that I’ve gone on this trip with are... read more
Don’t Do Drugs
In a stack of papers called Unorganized.
- Jun
- 04
- 2006
During the year that I took off from teaching, the 2000-2001 school year, this guy named John introduced me to an organizational concept, one best summed up in the following analogy:
Think of a bucket, something the size of, say, a paint can. You’ve got 3 big rocks, several smaller stones, and a bag of sand. How can you fit all of those things into the bucket?
Size... read more
The Gravity Of Graduation
In a stack of papers called Grading.
- Jun
- 02
- 2006
The excitement of the end of the school year, as infectious as any disease, prances around the room all day dressed in its summer finest. With the dawning of June, students see it and they often dance along, singing songs of the fair time off from school ahead. I see it, too, as vacations and airline tickets build up, though I keep my dancing shoes in the closet during the workday. But while the... read more
Standard Usage
In a stack of papers called Unorganized.
- Jun
- 01
- 2006
This was originally going to be added to my last posting, but it grew longer and longer. Instead of cut things out, I preserved my thoughts here for posterity. I’d draw a comic of this, but I’m not Kevin or Sutter, so just make due with my mental comic drawing skills as exhibited in this little snippet of... read more