An archived stack of papers: November 2006

Stats At Grading Period End

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Nov
  • 30
  • 2006

Total number of Ds and Fs earned: 35 (31% of my students)

Total number of Fs earned: 14 (12% of my students) With at least one F in other classes: 10 With at least one D in other classes, but no other Fs: 1 With Cs or higher in other classes: 3

Total number of Ds earned: 21 (18% of my students) With at least one F in other classes: 9 With at least one D in... read more

Should I Give This To My Students?

In a stack of papers called Technology.

  • Nov
  • 26
  • 2006

I’ve yet to start up the student commenting in this year’s blog project. While it’s been at the back of my mind, I simply haven’t walked students through the process I want them to use in order to track their comments (create an entry called “Comments” and post links to all comments there). Until I do that, I don’t want them wandering off and commenting –... read more

NYC 2006

In a stack of papers called Personal.

  • Nov
  • 25
  • 2006

Touching down in New York, I gritted my teeth against the pain of another red-eye flight. Not that I’ve experienced many, but it only takes 1 or 2 to realize the pros and cons. Jane and I got off the plane, made our way down to baggage, and called Allison. Seconds later, she drove by and we hopped into the car to make our way into Brooklyn, starting our 4-day vacation.

Much later that day,... read more

Gone: Professional Development Requirement

In a stack of papers called Legislation.

  • Nov
  • 20
  • 2006

In years past, renewing a teaching credential involved 150 hours of professional development every 5 years. This worked out to 30 hours every year. Broken down further, observing the 10-month school calendar, teachers should have been exposed to 3 hours of professional development each month. Considering that there’s always more to learn about how/what to teach, that never seemed like a lot of... read more

One Flew West

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Nov
  • 16
  • 2006

I’m getting ready to teach One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, experiencing a visit from nervousness while I plan. I usually have materials prepared ahead of time, have an idea of the final product I hope for students to create, know the larger ideas of the work. I have ideas of where we’ll go, but my days are largely dictated by the directions our class discussions take. Since I... read more

A Graphic Ending

In a stack of papers called Writing.

  • Nov
  • 07
  • 2006

I’m off to New York City this weekend to visit a very good friend. I’m travelling with a very good friend, too, so I’ll be quite happy even though I’ll miss my girlfriend and my cat at home. Keep good care of my blog for me while I’m away, would you? See you Monday. Here’s something to hopefully get you thinking. Maybe you can give me some ideas... read more