An archived stack of papers: April 2009

They Don’t Know

In a stack of papers called Writing.

  • Apr
  • 23
  • 2009

Sample videos. Model paragraphs. Professional sentences. Anchor papers. Published works. Student drafts.

Students read them. They vote on which is best. They talk about why they like them. They find identifying characteristics that explain what one does better than the other. Dead silent classes and phrases straight off a rubric that are meaningless, this almost never changes the way students... read more

AFI Curriculum

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Apr
  • 08
  • 2009

Speech class wants to create a documentary. English 1 Support, I still think, will grow through projects such as video. More on both of those projects later because I hope to create some material that anyone can use to get such a thing going in their neck of the woods.

I showed this AFI video to Support for our note-taking session yesterday and will show it to Speech after Spring Break when they... read more

Ten Sites, Huh?

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Apr
  • 06
  • 2009

Scott McLeod asks us to name ten sites that are resources for our subject area. I mentioned this to a friend just today. Two or three came to mind, but that was it. As far as ten useful sites per unit/novel/writing style/skill… ... read more