An archived stack of papers: February 2011

Next Steps

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Feb
  • 03
  • 2011

So I told my students today all those things I’m feeling that I wrote about yesterday: that feeling of “ugh” and how I don’t like the way things are progressing. I read a passage from Fahrenheit 451 to my English 2 today wherein Montag gives an impassioned plea to his wife that she needs to feel... read more

The Feeling Of “Ugh”

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Feb
  • 02
  • 2011

The feeling of “Ugh.” You know the feeling. The feeling that you get when plans do not pan out. The feeling of “it’s too late to change now!” The feeling that things were not supposed to go this way. The feeling that reality does not match the vision. The feeling of not being entirely sure why. Are those the feelings of an average day for you, too?

In both of my... read more

In a stack of papers called Connections.

  • Feb
  • 01
  • 2011

My brother usually sends me funny stuff, stuff that is meant just for laughs but often gets me thinking about how I can use more media in the classroom. That’s just how I spin most things that appear in front of me. It’s a curse, though, because most stuff I can’t see a reason to make appear in front of my students. He routinely adds fuel to the fire of a ... read more