An archived stack of papers: 'Reading'

What’s Working?

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Mar
  • 17
  • 2010

Every Tuesday and Thursday are read days. Students bring in their outside reading book and we read for a spell. It was ten minutes at first. In English 3, we’ve stepped that up slowly to twenty minutes and they are doing fine. We’re about ready to bump up to twenty-five minutes, actually. In English 2, we’re anywhere from... read more

B&N Studio

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Oct
  • 23
  • 2008

Why wasn’t I informed that Barnes & Noble started to put together cool videos about books? Given that my English 3 class is all about Why Read? right now, it would be a shame if I didn’t show at least one video.

Reading from ... read more

Explosions In Word Clouds

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Jul
  • 04
  • 2008

Glancing at the design blogs today, SimpleBits brought me two things. I’ll discuss the other one later.

Be Saul Bass!

Wordle creates word clouds from any text you... read more

Reading Rationale

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Sep
  • 18
  • 2006

In the face of only 10 of my 60 English 3 students having read chapters 3 and 4 of The Scarlet Letter, I explained a bit of logic to the kids. Maybe it will help you out.


You know what you get when only 5 people in class have read and are prepared? You get a Super-Size portion of boring. It’s a very slim possibility to do anything interesting when so few are... read more


In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Sep
  • 17
  • 2006

I scanned around for cheap copies of The Scarlet Letter yesterday and came across some very trite and shallow reviews of the book. While those kinds of reviews hold no meaning for me, there might be a way to put them to good use.

MySpace For Books

What if there was a way for students to... read more

An Unfortunate Truth: Cultural Literacy Redefined

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Aug
  • 11
  • 2006

Hirsch’s conception of “what it means to be not only just a literate American but an active citizen in our multicultural democracy” stands as a strong testament to Hirsch’s ideology. But is it valuable anymore? As our society grows ever more multicultural and multimedia (an important consideration seemingly ignored by Hirsch), do we... read more

Use V. Value: Cultural Literacy Redefined

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Aug
  • 07
  • 2006

What does it mean to be culturally literate today, and is such literacy useful, particularly in the absorption of information? (source)

The usefulness of cultural literacy depends on whose definition or classifications of cultural literacy we refer to and the culture under question. Pop culture in society at large contains a... read more

More Definitions: Cultural Literacy Redefined

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Aug
  • 04
  • 2006

On a recent “Today” episode, a commentator discussed Mel Gibson’s drunken anti-Semitic commentary. “There are some folks who want to Dixie Chick Mel Gibson.” That requires some background information in popular media (read as: cultural literacy).

Pop Media As Cultural... read more

Definitions: Cultural Literacy Redefined

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Jul
  • 31
  • 2006

Where is the value in being on a first name basis with William Shakespeare today? Is it important for a painter to be familiar with Schrodinger’s cat? E.D. Hirsch wrote an essay on the theory behind his cultural literacy dictionary in which he states: “achieving high universal literacy ought to be a primary focus of educational reform in this... read more

Preface: Cultural Literacy Redefined

In a stack of papers called Reading.

  • Jul
  • 27
  • 2006

Trent, this series is for and because of you. You’ll see why in the next entry if you don’t already see where I’m going. To others, given the six5guy mission statement (on the left sidebar of the site), I’m happy that he found my site worth reading and worth making note of to his readers. Take a look at his... read more