An archived stack of papers: 'Testing'

Beyond The Test

In a stack of papers called Testing.

  • Mar
  • 10
  • 2006

The public education system has a rather parochial view of things, at least in California. Think about it. Where are the people who are trying to create the next set of standards? English standards were released in 1998. As far as I know, there’s no date for revising those standards. Are their any people who are trying to improve standardized testing? Is anyone looking into ESEA (NCLB) version... read more

In Defense Of The CAHSEE

In a stack of papers called Testing.

  • Feb
  • 10
  • 2006

You study hard in your classes and earn passing grades. You stay on task during your school day, dutifully complete the work waiting at home, stay out of trouble, and attend school as often as your health permits. The remaining hurdle, a test that assesses your ability to show mastery of several 8th grade and many 10th grade state standards in English and mathematics, wavers in the distance, flapping in... read more