An archived stack of papers: 'parent-needs'
BTSN Ideas
In a stack of papers called Reform.
- Nov
- 05
- 2007
Back-to-school Night (BTSN) happened a while for most of us, but we just debriefed the Night. I’m all full of questions and ideas, so here’s the stream, formatted to fit this screen and edited to run in the time allotted and for content.
How many parents show up to your BTSN? We changed up the... read more
Don’t Call Home
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Dec
- 14
- 2006
It is December 14th. We start Winter Holiday tomorrow at 1:15. When we get back from break, there are only 2 weeks before semester finals. That means that, even though it’s a month away on the calendar, there are only 2 weeks left in this semester.
And this is the week that parents start to call or email teachers about their child who is failing or in danger of failing a course. Why are... read more
What Parents Need, But Don’t Get
In a stack of papers called Reform.
- Feb
- 20
- 2006
Students need power; teachers need support; parents need communication. Schools need to establish an open-door policy early in the academic year. Teachers need to work with parents to raise students’ awareness. Students need to respect the authority their parents bring to the equation. Everyone needs to be prepared to sit down at one big table to discuss issues from time to time. To do that,... read more
We Have The Numbers (And We’re Voting Yes)
In a stack of papers called Reform, Unorganized.
- Feb
- 09
- 2006
Stumbling onto a news report of an education poll, the glaring problem of differing expectations in schools across the nation (world?) stands almost untouched. I’ll just say at the outset that I’m not sure I feel too confident in anything with AOL’s initials attached to it,... read more