An archived stack of papers: 'English 1'

Summer Resource Teacher

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Jun
  • 17
  • 2009

Since making it through one of the worst years of my life wasn’t punishment enough, I figured I’d take on the newly created English 1 Resource Teacher spot during summer school. No clear role, no teeth for enforcement, no precedence of expectation, no track record of success. Why not?

There are a total of seven meetings I’m supposed to hold, one before summer school starts and... read more

In-Class Computer Lab Use

In a stack of papers called Technology.

  • Apr
  • 11
  • 2005

A friend of mine recently went to a conference on educational technology in Pasadena. He turned me on to November Learning, a pretty nifty site by Alan November, who I am quickly learning is the cat I should have been paying close attention to all these... read more