An archived stack of papers: 'literary-terms'
Lit Terms In Modern Media
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Aug
- 05
- 2008
I’ve been thinking about this page for quite a while, but I really only had two or three terms to post with links. Once I sat down to write this, though, I found a few others (Updated 10.19.08).
This list provides examples of literary terms, primarily in videos and images, though there are a few written texts here for now. Page updates will happen. Hopefully this helps... read more
Swift And Scoble
In a stack of papers called Connections.
- Jan
- 02
- 2008
“A Modest Proposal” is the classic irony, where Jonathan Swift’s ridiculous answer to a problem pushes readers toward actual solutions. Robert Scoble’s “The RIAA is right” has the same idea, though with more complaints than answers to the... read more
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Sep
- 30
- 2007
It’s not Fight Club, but Palahniuk has found his way into my classroom, for sure.
I’m reading ... read more