An archived stack of papers: 'NCLB'

Too Legit To Quit?

In a stack of papers called Testing.

  • Sep
  • 07
  • 2008

My school met AYP and API. However, due to some subgroups not meeting their goals, we missed APR. And, good news, we’re still not a PI school. But we’re a PI district so we have to behave as if we are a PI... read more

PI Means Punitive Intent

In a stack of papers called Legislation.

  • Nov
  • 11
  • 2007

punitive (pyoo-ni-tiv) adj. 1. See ESEA/NCLB

No rewards for desired behavior exist, only punishments. It’s as if ESEA/NCLB set out to doom public education. The overarching goal of 100% proficiency is almost necessarily impossible; the premise from which the law generates destines some percentage of schools to failure. Punishments the law puts in... read more

More Reauthorization Thoughts

In a stack of papers called Legislation.

  • Feb
  • 16
  • 2007

I just finished a conversation with a friend and colleague about the ESEA/NCLB suggested changes I wrote about yesterday. Why aren’t things ever easy? There are good ideas there and this is a push in the right direction, but there are far too many problems to just roll over on this one. Similarly, there are too many improvements this could make to accept none of it.

Ultimately, the trouble... read more

ESEA/NCLB Reauthorization Suggestions

In a stack of papers called Legislation.

  • Feb
  • 15
  • 2007

I received email from NEA, the head of the local union, and the union vice president, all decrying the latest suggested changes to ESEA (NCLB). Even though many ideas expressed in the Aspen Institute report would go a long way to move teaching toward an actual “profession,” one requirement lead my union... read more

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Problems With NCLB

In a stack of papers called Testing.

  • Jan
  • 28
  • 2007

There’s a large problem with the English California Standards Tests (CST). These tests come to students every year around April and are the result of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), better known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB). [Update: This same problem applies to Social Science since those questions are handed out by grade level, not be course enrolled... read more

AYP, API, And Horse Pucky

In a stack of papers called Testing.

  • Oct
  • 05
  • 2006

Two observations from this past Wednesday’s inservice. We spent the time talking about and looking at some test data, specifically with regard to our AYP. We did not make our AYP. Adequate Yearly Progress, that sounds like a horrible thing to miss. These two observations are about why we missed that AYP and they are both incredibly ridiculous,... read more

The Good, The Bad, The NCLB

In a stack of papers called Legislation.

  • Feb
  • 11
  • 2006

Zooming around the internet, I found a few sites that discuss the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. Just so you are aware, NCLB is simply a modified Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). To call it NCLB is not technically correct, even though that’s what we’ve stuck with. With a more appealing name, you feel like a jerk if you disagree with the legislation and are more likely to... read more