An archived stack of papers: 'sjawp'

Another Quick Use Of A Good Site

In a stack of papers called Technology.

  • Apr
  • 08
  • 2006

Today brought the 2nd of 3 Spring Saturday events sponsored by the San Jose Area Writing Project. Titled Super Saturday, these events offer 3 different workshops, typically one each for elementary, junior high, and high school. Our numbers were slightly lower than the last 2 Saturdays we met, but we still had a good turn out with roughly 47 participants in attendance.

I gave the opening speech... read more

Nerd Life, Dawg

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Mar
  • 11
  • 2006

School district offices, financial black holes of education systems, foolishly track expenses.

Notice how that states my opinion about district offices? That sentence, dubbed “Behold! The Smack Talker!,” is an example of just one of the many sentence formulas shown to us in Marty Brandt’s “Indeed: How To Write ‘Nerd'” workshop, one of the three offerings at... read more