An archived stack of papers: 'video'


In a stack of papers called Connections.

  • Sep
  • 28
  • 2010

Why Can’t I Do Something With This?

Good lord, WCYDWT is such a good idea that I want to use it for English. I walk around with a camera, too. I also enjoy my job more today than I ever have. I likewise want to share my passion for not just English but many other subjects. All I end up snapping shots of, though, are misused apostrophes and... read more

What Video Has Taught Me – Part 2

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Jun
  • 07
  • 2009

I feel like an idiot for not realizing this sooner. What have I been doing the last eleven years? Why didn’t I discover this until just about a month ago? Such a simple thing made a huge difference. And it all started with those documentaries in Speech.


“Tell me about your project. What do you see on the screen? What are you doing a documentary... read more

Beginning A Documentary

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • May
  • 25
  • 2009

About a month ago, Speech announced that they wanted to make a video. We quickly went to work on the AFI curriculum and watched several versions of The Door Scene that we shot. We did one where we just walked around campus, one where we walked up to the door without going through it, another where we actually opened the door, and a... read more

What Video Has Taught Me – Part 1

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • May
  • 16
  • 2009

In the Support class, we slowly piece together videos on things students like about San Jose. Speech works diligently on documentaries. Some incredibly cool stuff has happened as a result of me leading these two different classes through this work. That’s had a big impact on how I work with my English 3 students, even though they aren’t in on the video action. I’ve learned a lot over... read more

AFI Curriculum

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Apr
  • 08
  • 2009

Speech class wants to create a documentary. English 1 Support, I still think, will grow through projects such as video. More on both of those projects later because I hope to create some material that anyone can use to get such a thing going in their neck of the woods.

I showed this AFI video to Support for our note-taking session yesterday and will show it to Speech after Spring Break when they... read more

Colbert Rap Battle

In a stack of papers called Connections.

  • Mar
  • 29
  • 2009

From satire to social commentary to lessons on Power Point, Comedy Central’s got it. But I can’t find the right hook to use this clip from The Colbert Report in the classroom. I want to get the video and edit it down to segments — just show the Power Point piece, just play Colbert’s rap couplet at the end, and the like. But before I do anything, I need to know why I’m... read more


In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Oct
  • 14
  • 2008

The votes are in and they picked a caption for yesterday’s photo. It was among the best and, after we edited it a bit, I think it’ll be one of the strongest sentences in the finished script. It’s a shame the author was absent today ’cause I’m sure she would have gotten a kick out of it and it couldn’t have hurt my cred with her (or her cousin). ... read more

We’ve Begun

In a stack of papers called Instruction.

  • Oct
  • 13
  • 2008

My Support class… What can I say? I’m nervous about what they are doing to me. I’m worried about what I’m doing to them. I’m afraid of what they’ll do to a sub in my absence. But I can’t let any of those things stop me from doing what needs to be done. So, after only the briefest conversation about this with my friend and (what I consider) a failed attempt to... read more