An archived stack of papers: 'visual-essay'
Quick PPT
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Oct
- 30
- 2008
Instead of drawing pictures to help make your points, find images that show what you want to draw. Arrange them in PowerPoint, using a black or white background on the slides. Do not use one of PowerPoint’s templates for this.
... read more
Unit #2: Why Read?
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Oct
- 22
- 2008
For the last few years, around this time, right after we’ve finished a fun and seemingly simple unit, I hit the juniors with the Why Read? unit. Emerson and Bloom are tough and students can’t even begin to parse what the two guys have to say. With tons of hand holding (likely too much that I need to step even further back from next year), we make it through. I put together an Emerson... read more
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Oct
- 08
- 2008
We just finished our zombie writing in English 3, so this is the start of another unit. For this one, we’re writing about writing, reading, and thinking. It’s pretty tough for teenagers to spell metacognition, let alone actually perform it. Starting with a discussion of these ideas is smart, but it can’t be a class discussion because there are two sides to teenage opinion on books and... read more
Visual Essay: Sharing
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Nov
- 30
- 2007
With the Visual Essay (VE), the images need to communicate the bulk of the message because words can’t. That’s not to say that words don’t play their role, but images make up the difference between the words and the meaning. The visuals should help students come to terms with what our two authors (Ralph Waldo Emerson and Harold Bloom) mean. The VEs will serve as a resource to help... read more
Visual Essay: Classroom Application
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Nov
- 15
- 2007
Before we arrived at the visual essay, we read a few texts and talked about ideas. We gathered quotations, listened to music, I drew pictures, it was a great time. Here’s what we did:
The Handouts
Emerson: from “The American Scholar” (Word) (... read more
Visual Essay: Sneak Peek
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Nov
- 14
- 2007
All of these grow every day. What I’m showing you is just where several groups are so far. Last Thursday was an introduction to the Visual Essay assignment (teaser #1). Friday was mostly used for planning and groups getting their feet wet with the resources for this thing (teaser #2). Mad props to Dan for a quick email basically saying “Yeah, this looks... read more