An archived stack of papers: 'vocabulary'
New Test Items
In a stack of papers called Testing.
- Oct
- 10
- 2009
Every time you create a new test item, a new way to assess knowledge, what do you do? How do you step kids into that new item type, one they may not have seen before, in order to make sure you’re assessing exactly what you want to assess (content-area skill) and not something accidental (test-taking prowess)? I spent about two hours on Wednesday figuring out how to handle this situation. What... read more
Vocabulary Jigsaw
In a stack of papers called Instruction.
- Jan
- 04
- 2007
This is an interesting technique, something I picked up from the QTEL training I’ve been to. I’m using it to review vocabulary, but I’ve also seen it used as a way to introduce major themes of a piece of literature. It could be used to review historical figures, elements from the periodic table, mathematical concepts,... read more
Vocabulary Blogs
In a stack of papers called Technology.
- Apr
- 06
- 2006
Blogs allow for great interaction between author and reader. They also allow for interaction between different readers, something every other media does little to encourage. But if you read something and never talk to anyone else about it, what’s the point? And if it’s only a monologue, even more so.
With vocabulary study, things like The... read more
Vocabulary Via RSS
In a stack of papers called Technology.
- Apr
- 05
- 2006
Want to study a few vocabulary words? Want something like that for your students?
You’ll need an RSS feed of your vocabulary words (Tom put together a quick intro to RSS that might be helpful). ... read more